Assassin's Creed: Victory - 10 Locations Far Better Than London

2. Present Day

We all thought it would happen to end Desmond's story; he'd spend game upon game upon game training himself in the ancient ways of the Assassins and - using the bleed effect - gain their skill to take down the Templars. In reality, what we got instead was a few throwaway sections during the third main game where Desmond would track down artefacts and free run around modernistic skyscrapers, stadiums and more. These were perhaps the best parts of the game, and to see how it could have been was all the more tantalising. Unfortunately for Desmond, he's now dead, which means it's pretty unlikely we'll be playing as him again in a present day game. In fact, Ubisoft seems to have almost given up on the present day sections altogether, opting instead for a few videos in Unity. According to Ubisoft, the sequels to Unity will focus more on the present day element (something which has been severely lacking in meaningful content since III). Although some people hate the idea of the present day sections, is Ubisoft really decided to focus on them and made them matter, would exploring our own world be such a bad thing? We've dabbled in history now, perhaps it's time we came back to our own home turf and see it in the way the Assassins do? It would certainly help us to sympathise further with their plight and maybe actually help us to understand just what's going on. And no, Watch_Dogs doesn't count as present day Assassin's Creed.

Dan Curtis is approximately one-half videogame knowledge, and the other half inexplicable Geordie accent. He's also one quarter of the Factory Sealed Retro Gaming podcast.