Battlefield 3: 5 Broken Features & How to Fix Them

3. Lasers & Flashlights

Why it's broken: Oh, the flashlight. How I hate thee. The idea behind the tactical light is a good one. A vision impairment tool that helps you see in the dark. Only the effect is overpowered and there is no darkness in BF3. If there was more map in pitch black, players would need to rely on things like lights and flares to see. The laser pointer is a similar case. Intended to increase accuracy and blind enemies, this attachment is fairly useful for most weapons. However, it can't help but feel stupid. How to fix it: As mentioned above, add more darkness into the game to make torch use practical. As for the laser pointer, I have a different idea. Rather than the piddly little sight we have now, make the laser wider and have it be an intimidation tool. If a player is in pitch black and sees a squad with lasers moving towards them, it should help to discourage you. The blinding effect should only be used when the opponent is aiming at your head, not only so it's less distracting but also tells you to move out of the line of fire. Both need to be nerfed in their offensive role.

I live in Australia, love to write and play games. So what better than writing about games? I love all things action and fantasy, as well as my occasional shooter. I literally cannot wait for GTAV!