Battlefield 3: 5 Broken Features & How to Fix Them

4. Spawn Protection & Revives

Why it's broken: More to the point, what isn't broken? The spawn protection was introduced post release and brings nothing but fan hatred and grief to players. The idea is to protect players as they spawn into the fight, making sure they aren't killed immediately. As for revives, there is nothing more frustrating than being shot as you wake up, without even giving you time to react. To add insult to injury, DICE added a 9 second spawn timer for when this happens, meaning I need to wait because my team mate is an idiot. How to fix it: Simple: remove the spawn protection. How many times have you emptied your gun into a guy, only to have him soak it all up and kill you instantly. Just take it out and all is good. Besides, it's your own damn fault for spawning in anyway. As for the revives, a more simple solution like one we already have, Using the accept/reject revive commands, have them available when you die. If I hit the jump button, I am able to be rezzed. If I hold the spawn button, no one can revive me. You cannot be revived until you have chosen to be, so this takes out the problem of constantly getting shot when it wasn't your fault.

I live in Australia, love to write and play games. So what better than writing about games? I love all things action and fantasy, as well as my occasional shooter. I literally cannot wait for GTAV!