Dishonored: 8 Reasons Why It Could Be The Best Game Of The Year

4. The Design

Whilst a game should never be judged for its graphics (unless you're one of those kind of people, in which case I ask who stole the fun from your childhood), it is important to refer to the aspect which is always a centre point through our constant gaze at this world for our entire time spent staring at the game world. Fortunately for players of Dishonored, you don't have to worry about lame design choices or aspects deterring from the games setting. It gives a new-realistic look at a town affected by misery and put it bluntly it's like a funeral attended soully by Camilla Parker Bowles look alikes; it's not pretty. However it's embracing of this misery makes the game and your overall goal feel more important. This gritty realism, combined with the awesomely designed and contrasting mechanical features which help show the divide between the empowered and the powerless help gives this game a visual edge that will long be a thrilling adventure to play through.
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One time I met John Stamos on a plane - and he told me I was pretty.