5. The Abilities
Spells, spells, spells. Since the dawn of fantasy games they've been a staple, whilst this game brings the supernatural to the floor it keeps it comfortable with things like stopping time, blink (which is a short teleportation move) and possession which all help with the stealth aspect of the game. However it's the potential this holds which really gets your mind racing. In a developer session one of the games chiefs gave us displays of how you can stop time, throw bombs in front of frozen opponents, fire a bullet and when time begins again this will play out in a quick destruction of your enemy. He also described how you can shoot a bolt in frozen time, attach a grenade to this bolt and watch the improvised grenade launcher reek havoc. Rather than just extra attacks to have like they are in Skyrim, this makes the combat system more interesting and you can find more ways to deal with opponents, incorporating these things as a strategy to combat as well as a strategy to stealth.