Elden Ring: 10 Most Difficult Bosses You'll Encounter

2. Malekith, The Black Blade

Elden Ring
From Software

The Beast Clergyman is no pushover; this is the first of a series of final bosses that will test everything you’ve learned about the game so far. This enemy has ranged attacks, close-quarters attacks, combo attacks, and everything someone would need to kill you quickly, but that’s the easy part.

Once you deal half its health bar, the Clergyman will turn into Malekith, one of the hardest bosses you’ll encounter in the game. Not only can Malekith do everything Beast Clergyman could do, but now it has a sword that deals chip damage consistently for a few seconds after contact.

Even if you manage to dodge all its attacks, it’ll then surprise you with one of its AOEs that instantly kill you if you don’t predict them correctly, all while moving around so much that it’s almost impossible to keep up with it to deal some actual damage.

This boss requires a lot of practice to defeat, but if you obtain an item called the Blasphemous claw, you can parry some of its attacks and deal massive damage. If you manage to get the timing right after a few attempts, you should win.

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Elden Ring
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