Far Cry 5: 10 Best Franchise Moments So Far

3. Far Cry 2 - Contracting Malaria

A system like this hadn't been seen before Far Cry 2, and it hasn't really been seen since. Contracting Malaria may not be the most cheerful power-up in a game, but it does make Far Cry 2 extremely unique, and made Africa even more dangerous.

Man, Fry Cry as a series just nails its introductions doesn't it? You start Far Cry 2 off by being driven into Africa by a tour guide, before suddenly falling fatally ill. It's quickly established that your character has contracted Malaria, and will die if they don't find medication soon.

This adds a whole other layer to Far Cry 2, and gives your character a sense of vulnerability that they hadn't really had before. Sure, they can gun down hundreds of people and survive explosions, but they can never really escape Africa's harsh conditions.

Of course, taking Malaria tablets soon lost its luster as the game draws on, but that doesn't stop it from being great when it's first introduced.


Jumping through portals, swinging through cities, destroying beings made of darkness and occasionally shooting a gun or two. I also write about games.