FIFA 14: 14 Ways It Can Improve On FIFA 13

11. Better Music What happened to the soundtrack on FIFA 13? FIFA games have always had massively acclaimed soundtracks to accompany their menus but this year was different. EA have always chosen unknown bands and songs which have always matched FIFA's fun nature to a tee, but this year we had Lil Wayne and Wretch 32 rapping out of our television's and that slightly ruined it for me. I'm usually the guy who is searching for the next FIFA's soundtrack list during the summer before release but for FIFA 13 I just wasn't, because I knew the big hitters were on it and that just doesn't excite me. I really hope FIFA 14 brings some new, vibrant bands and singers to the table and not just ones that appeal to the mass mainstream audience of the UK Top 40 Chart. Please get this right, EA.

I'm Zak and I graduated from the University of Hull in 2014 - where I studied 20th Century History. I love anything about football, especially weird and wonderful stats. I'm in to trying just about any game and enjoy debating about films. My main passion for writing comes from the beautiful game! I encourage debate so please leave any comments you think of! I hope you enjoy the articles.