Final Fantasy XV Reviews: 10 Early Reactions You Need To Know

3. Driving The Car Can Feel Limited

Final Fantasy XV Driving
Square Enix
"While there’s options to skip driving, there’s parts were it is mandatory to drive to a location without skipping. It doesn’t help that the car controls are useless as the car pretty much drives itself for you, and all you’re really doing is holding the accelerate button while the much more interesting dialogue is in the background." - ThisGenGaming
"There are fast-travel options between previously explored points, but generally you have to actually make each journey at least once. This deliberate, regimented structure really drew me into the world, and also gave the relationships between the characters time to develop in innumerable little ways." - IGN

Not one to scrimp out on a licensed tie-in for their big-budget game, FF XV features a modified version of the Audi R8 as its car of choice. The only issue is - perhaps for fear of players crashing or otherwise writing it off - the car in the game factors more as a literal way to get from A to B, as oppose to driving it one-to-one.

Nobody expected FF XV to have car chases or anything resembling in-depth, car-based gameplay, but when even MGS V can take the time to implement an effective physics engine for anything on four wheels, it's a shame that's not the case here.

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