For Honor: 10 Crucial Ups & Downs

4. Down: Soundtrack And Sound Design

For Honor

As awesome as For Honor's heroes, environments, and combat are, the game is severely let down by its soundtrack, with the only memorable part being the musical sting that endlessly repeats while browsing the game's menu.

An epic score would have been great to go alongside the on screen action of For Honor - but, unfortunately, all we get is a handful of stings and loops that cut (not fade) in and out at the start and end of combat.

Not very epic, and not very engaging to say the least.

The game's sound design in general could have used more work. The clashing of weapons and armour is pretty convincing, but the limited grunts and moans of the heroes will eventually grind on players a bit.

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For Honor
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Gamer. Grifter. Musician. Lover of Metal Gear Solid and all things Star Wars.