Grand Theft Auto: 10 Coolest Easter Eggs, Secrets & References Explained

6. You Can Swap The Game Disc With A Music CD To Create A Custom Soundtrack

Grand Theft Auto Gouranga

Though it's fair to say that PC players take modding for granted these days, back in 1997 it was still a relatively niche activity, even on such a wide-open, unrestricted platform.

But GTA players quickly discovered a neat trick which allowed even the most casual-minded PC gamer to effectively create their own custom soundtrack while cruising around.

Basically, Rockstar stored the game's radio station sound files in a typical CD audio track format, allowing players to eject the game CD while playing and replace it with any conventional music CD.

The next time the player enters a vehicle, they'll find the game randomly pulling tracks from whatever music CD is in their disc drive.

Also, due to the manner in which the game's radio stations are organised on the disc, players could simply put the game disc in a CD player and listen to the stations as though they were a conventional music album. Just make sure to skip the first track, which contains all the game data.

Oh, how wonderfully simple games once were.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.