GTA 6: 10 Rumours You NEED To Know

2. It Won't Rely On The Same Political Commentary

GTA Online Smuggler's Run

Houser is similarly concerned about poking fun at an increasingly-fragile political landscape.

Since the series moved to 3D in 2001, it has included some parody, commentary and shenanigans involving political figures like the US President (Joe Lawton from GTA IV) and others. It's how GTA rolls; nothing, including fictional congressmen such as Alex Shrub cavorting with prostitutes (Vice City) is off limits.

In an interview with GQ, one of Rockstar's higher-ups hinted that might be about to change. His very words were that “Intense liberal progression and intense conservatism are both very militant, and it’s hard to satirise for those reasons". Houser followed that up by saying he'd be hesitant to release a GTA game during Donald Trump's time in office.

He's mindful of dating the game, and that might mean GTA will avoid tried-and-tested political nods should Trump remain President long enough for 6 to release. In a world that's changing quickly, even the most controversial video games have to fight to stay relevant.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.