GTA V: 10 Reasons Why It Will Rule 2012

6. New Friends David from Prometheus, Jon Snow form Game of Thrones? Who cares? GTA will rule 2012 because you will meet and befriend and new host of characters. This is an area that Rockstar really works on, and something that is absent from many other top titles. The well written scripts and believable characters have long since made the series stand out as more than just kidnapping people in their cars. Maybe the silent protagonist in GTA 3 wasn€™t the best character ever, but there are some great ones we€™ve been treated to through the years. Lance Vance from Vice City was a great companion through your time in the 80€™s shootings. Although his parents obviously didn€™t care to much about him (who gives a kid a name like that?) he is very easy to like, even in those suits. Roman Belic was perhaps a little annoying at times with his needy phone calls, requesting to play darts or go bowling, but he was family. He€™s there throughout the trials and tribulations of GTA 4 and by the end of the games there is a definite bond. Yusuf Amir the ridiculously rich friend who isn€™t shy talking about sexual relations. Let€™s not forget Lazlo Jones, perhaps the greatest character of them all, although never seen, his familiar voice is a joy to the ears. The radio host that we have seen through each of the games in various stages of his never-boring career.
