6. A Return To Xen
ValveThe Half-Life games, despite featuring a number of extra-terrestrial beings, have rarely left our own planet. The most notable departure from Earth was in the final levels of the original Half-Life, when Freeman enters the Xen plane to tackle the alien threat head-on. We saw a couple brief glimpses of Xen during Half-Life 2, but nothing substantial. However, in-keeping with rumours that Half-Life 3 will be an intergalactic affair, fans of the first game are anticipating a return to the mysterious plane, which has since been colonised by the Combine. The Xen levels weren't hugely loved in Half-Life, largely thanks to irritating jumping puzzles and muddy, brown textures. However, a new engine for Half-Life 3 should be more than capable of doing the surreal, dreamlike Xen justice, and allow for some particularly creative level design. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P1l7yeJafGE