Halo 4 vs Black Ops 2: Which Game Is Best?


Sound design is a strong suit of both games; Halo 4 has a haunting, booming, epic score as previous, and has also stepped up the sound effects elements considerably; guns from prior games sound meatier, and therefore we feel the impact of the shots a lot more. Meanwhile, the stronger story also allows the voice actors to emote in unexpected ways, giving the game a far more cinematic feel. Black Ops 2 has another A-list composer offering his services, with Trent Reznor arranging the title theme, even if the rest of the score is relatively standard fare for the series. Still, the weapon sound effects are among the most blistering of the entire series, and Treyarch has roped in famous actors Sam Worthington and Michael Rooker for the ride, giving it all a more authentic, cinematic feel, even if they're not on the level of the previous actors who have worked on the series (Gary Oldman, Keifer Sutherland etc). However, the stronger script helps give the voice acting overall much more gravitas. It has to go to Halo 4; the exceptional voice acting is what clinches it, as well as the substantial leap made by 434 Industries with the aural design of the weaponry. WINNER: Halo 4

Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at] gmail.com.