Injustice 2: 5 Confirmed Features To Get Excited About

1. Breaking Down The Gear System

Injustice 2

The attention given to the Gear system so far isn't without reason; it's the best new feature in the game.

Gear is essentially different pieces of armour gained through battle that allows for players to completely customise the look of their hero. Loads of different designs are on offer, and many of them incorporate some of the characters' most iconic costumes, like Red Son Superman for example.

Besides just allowing players to equip some iconic outfits, Gear also affects stats for battles. Whether it be increasing combo damage or increasing resistance, Gear can actually be used to balance characters based on their weaknesses. Best of all, it can be completely turned off if other players don't like stats being affected.

Gear also unlocks different specials for characters to use, which means that every different player in the world could have a different combination of Gear and specials. It's truly exciting, and really opens up Injustice 2 to the community.

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Jumping through portals, swinging through cities, destroying beings made of darkness and occasionally shooting a gun or two. I also write about games.