Injustice 2: 5 Confirmed Features To Get Excited About

2. Multiverse Mode

Injustice 2 Multiverse

Besides the story and battle modes, Injustice 2 has also confirmed the 'Multiverse' mode. Whilst details on the mode still remain quiet, Netherrealm have confirmed enough to get a good idea of what it'll be.

Multiverse is essentially Injustice 2's take on the Towers mode from Mortal Kombat X. Towers ended up giving Mortal Kombat X a ton of variety and almost endless online replayability. This is clearly Netherrealm's intention with the Multiverse mode, which attaches different conditions and modifiers to battles each time. Weighted health bars, obstacles, environmental hazards - who knows how many different elements come to mind when you apply this mentality to the DC universe.

Whilst Towers didn't have much in the way of rewards, Multiverse gives players different tiers of Motherboxes, which then randomly give access to Gear, shaders and items for characters. This is certainly a sufficient award for completing these matches - thereby fixing one of the main problems with Towers - as well as guaranteeing that players who play the game often will never run out of opportunities to get new gear.

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Jumping through portals, swinging through cities, destroying beings made of darkness and occasionally shooting a gun or two. I also write about games.