Madden 20 Early Wishlist: 10 Things Fans Demand

7. An Enhanced NFL Draft

NFL Draft

Madden 19's approach to the NFL Draft is text-heavy. Maybe that's the way it has to be given the amount of information on hand, but we don't think so. There's absolutely nothing stopping EA from including more pomp and circumstance when it comes to such an epic three-day event.

After all, there's a lot of bells and whistles elsewhere, so this feels like a wasted opportunity.

As The Draft is all about hype and bragging rights, Madden should show some of the top picks as they appear in front of the media sporting their new team's colours. If EA want to go above and beyond that (a few cutscenes may not be enough), then they should consider hiding some ratings for lead prospects until they've played a few games.

Imagine drafting a young quarterback as your #1 pick, only to find that they're not quite the Hall Of Fame record-breaker you hoped mid-way through the next season. It wouldn't be hard to mask some stats and only show them after pre-season training or at the end of their first campaign.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.