Mass Effect 4 Andromeda: Predicting 10 New Gameplay Features

5. Jetpacks

During the Andromeda E3 2015 trailer, we see our potential protagonist using a jetpack to get to higher ground from what would seem to be incoming danger, judging by his heavy breathing. Now in the November 2015 leak, it supposedly confirmed that not only does the protagonist get a jetpack, but even the companions get them too, which would allow for such a massive increase in both verticality and the kinds of missions you€™d take part in. This could lead to truly great things, as well as a massive step forward (literally) for a series that didn€™t even have a jump button in previous instalments. That€™s without even mentioning potential in combat, where you could use it as an evacuation attempt or a strategic means of gaining an advantage over enemies in combat situations. The options are fairly endless, and I really hope this one isn€™t proven false, as it would lead to only good things for gameplay as a whole.

Gamer, movie lover, life-long supporter of Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man and Ben Affleck's Batman, you know the rest.