6. New Stages And Interactions
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WtRrVVUTNIk One of the greatest things about MK9 was it's recreation of vintage fight stages including The Pit, The Deadpool, and The Living Forest. All three also had their own fatalities, making them all the more enjoyable to play. There were however some stages and stage fatalities that got left out in the cold that would be fun additions to MKX. For instance, what about The Pit II from MKII? Instead of falling onto a bed of spikes, the defeated kombatant would fall to their death with the camera looking down on them before they hit the ground, back-first, and died on sudden impact. How about the MKII stage that had the ceiling covered in spikes? One simple uppercut and a defeated opponent would wind up stuck to the ceiling. In some hilarious instances, the bodies would slip from the spikes and drop to the floor. The Tower from MKIII was also missing along with its vintage fatality where an uppercut would send a kombatant crashing through the wooden floor planks and numerous floors before landing on a bed of spikes. With the success of Injustice: Gods Among Us - also made by NetherRealm Studios - fans are also hoping to see interactive environments just like in the superhero-inspired game. Before Injustice, MK: Deception, Armageddon, and part four all had interactive weapons, environments, and sudden-death stage traps. It would also be interesting to see the inclusion of stage-changes just like in Injustice where one good kick off-screen morphs into a bone-crunching level transition.
Tommy Bobby Watanabe
Tommy Bobby Watanabe is an aspiring American novelist, stage actor, playwright, former LGBT rights activist, and has three years of independent professional wrestling experience and has been a big fan since 1998. An avid horror movie buff and comic book aficionado, TBW is honored to be featured on WhatCulture with some of the Internet's most talented writers and looks to spread his own knowledge and wit to WhatCulture's loyal readers.
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