No Man's Sky: 10 Core Gameplay Features You Need To Know About
7. Learn Alien Languages
“With NPCs in No Man’s Sky, you actually have to learn their language; they speak to you in their native tongue. The more you travel around the universe, the more you learn their language, and the more you can communicate with them.”
Such was a quote from creator Sean Murray, as the various A.I. traders and creatures you'll come across will speak in a variety of different tongues. There's no word just yet on how many, but when approaching them, you'll initially not understand a word, making communication very hard and bartering near impossible.
As you explore, discover new structures called Monoliths and talk to more individuals from the same race, you'll start to pick up on key phrases or words, so next time you converse using this language, a word or two will appear in English, as you've now understood it.
GiantBomb's Brad Shoemaker remarked on their podcast that he was able to turn off an alarm raised by an opposing force, simply because he could pick out enough words on a given panel to understand how it worked.
No that, is genius.