PS4 And Xbox One: 9 Ways To Improve Every Future Game

5. Build An Experience, Not Visuals

Ready at DawnReady at DawnGame reveals are typically spearheaded by the same marketing spiel, with publishers relying on resolution, frame rate and copious superlatives to grab attention. The truly finicky will even delve into polygon counts and processor clock speeds, rarely bothering to flesh out the significance of their allegedly high numbers. Is eye candy all the next generation of console gaming has to offer? Improved visual fidelity is a welcomed improvement, but should it be the only improvement? What about the nuts and bolts of gaming, the equally important but less obvious aspects of the experience? Load times, queue speeds, data management, installation rates, connection reliability and more seem equally deserving of a touch-up. Updated visuals will never be a bad thing€”unless of course they lead to the sort of budgeting discussed earlier€”but they should not take priority in development. Make them the lovely ribbon on top of a collectively revamped package, and we€™ll be in business.

A freelance games writer, you say? Typically battling his current RPG addiction and ceaseless perfectionism? A fan of horror but too big a sissy to play for more than a couple of hours? Spends far too much time on JRPGs and gets way too angry with card games? Well that doesn't sound anything like me.