Ranking Every PlayStation Developer From Worst To Best (2020)

6. Sucker Punch Productions

Sony games
Sony Interactive Entertainment

Recent Release: Ghost Of Tsushima

Past Highlights: Sly Cooper 1- 3, Infamous series

In Development: Unknown

This Washington-based dev started life with the N64's Rocket: Robots on Wheels, then took a page from Insomniac and Naughty Dog's book and created a colorful kid-friendly platformer for the PS2.

The result was the Sly Cooper series, a joyful mix of Hanna-Barbera with Ocean's Eleven. While it didn't earn the praise of a Ratchet, or Jak (and the genre was on the decline), it's a cult classic, and got them on Sony's radar.

Next for them was the Infamous series, a definitive open-world superhero game, made at a point when the genre was truly lacking. The two main games are no-contest apex titles for the PS3 console and led to Sony buying them in 2011.

When the franchise jumped to the PS4 though, with Infamous: Second Son, it resulted in an average and forgettable title (not helped by a lame new protagonist). The developer went radio silent for the rest of this gen, until...

They unleashed Ghost Of Tsushima, a jaw-dropping Samurai epic by way of open-world action game. It's a welcome step forward for the company and easily proves they are one of Sony's most flavourful developers.

Whilst, they haven't reached the height of an Insomniac or a Naughty Dog yet, they also aren't that far behind either...


is a freelance writer that loves ingesting TV shows, Video Games, Comics, and all walks of Movies, from schmaltzy Oscar bait to Kung-Fu cult cinema...actually, more the latter really.