Red Dead Online: 7 Reasons You Should Give It Another Chance

3. The Honour System Is More Meaningful

red dead online
Rockstar Games

The honour system in RDO is an aspect which is arguably more meaningful than it is within the main story. In the campaign, the honour system is there to reflect positively or negatively on Arthur Morgan’s actions.

Given the story’s redemption arc, Rockstar attempts to guide the player toward a positive honour rating before the credits roll. In this case, if Arthur’s honour is below 50% some missions and cut-scenes cannot be accessed. The issue with this is that, unlike similar games such as Fallout or Mass Effect, there is no subsequent reward for playing dishonourably.

In RDO, a model is adopted in which having either high or low honour will allow certain missions to be handled from a different perspective. For example, a high honour character may be asked to protect a stage-coach, whilst a low honour character would be asked to attack it.

This online model allows more freedom of choice when it comes to your character. If you want to play an inherently good outlaw with a heart then great, but the game won’t punish you if you prefer to play the villain.

As a result, online players are encouraged to engage their sadistic side, rather than avoid it.


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