Retro Gaming: N64 vs PSX - Fight To The Death

The Conclusive K.O.

playstation_logo_815 K.O. The winner is, yes, the PlayStation. Sure we got to hand it to the Nintendo 64 for putting up a great fight. The games it had were fewer in numbers, but they were of great quality and often surpassed the PlayStation in graphics. The PlayStation was plagued with pixilated graphics and over saturated colors while the N64 had a much more smooth and even look. The N64 was a better-built console as well. It did not have the overheating issues that ruined many of the early PS One's nor could it be as easily broken. It also did not suffer from the runaway piracy that PlayStation was doomed to. It was a good console to own when it first came out and it's still a good console to have now, but it cannot stand the power of the PlayStation's legacy. Forty years from now kids will still be playing the descendant of the very first Play Station, but as for the N64? It will be a relic long gone in a museum, only remembered as part of the childhood of grandfathers long past. As far as games go one reason why the N64 failed miserably in Asia was its lack of RPGs. The games looked good, but they were limited by space in the cartridge. Thus many games were relatively short. While the N64 has some legendary games, so does the Play Station, even more depending on whom you ask. All in all, in a fight to the death the PlayStation will defeat the N64 in a test of time. Now as for which console is actually better, I'll leave you to figure that one out on your own.

aka The Thompsonator. Action movie & shooter game fanatic. Biggest weakness? Taking things over the top... The internet is the disease. Meet the cure. Find more action on my Youtube channel: