Spider-Man PS4: 10 Best Costumes NOT In The Game

1. The Raimi Suit

Spider Man Ps4

This is the one that everyone wanted.

The popularity of this particular suit makes it hard to imagine that Insomniac aren't already working on getting it into the game.

It's pretty surprising that the Raimi suit, one of the most famous iterations of Spider-Man's costume, didn't already make it into the base game. With a pretty impressive lineup of costumes, the Raimi suit is one of the biggest ones missing.

Even though the Raimi suit isn't too different from the classic suit already in the game, the film series that it represents is important to so many Spider-Man fans and really represents how many even got into the character.

This is made even worse when you see how well Insomniac have transferred the Tom Holland suit into the game. Both the home-made suit and the Stark costume look absolutely incredible, and it'd be a big shame to not see how this one would translate.

Considering how Insomniac have listened to their fans so far, it would be a huge missed opportunity.

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Jumping through portals, swinging through cities, destroying beings made of darkness and occasionally shooting a gun or two. I also write about games.