Spider-Man PS4: 10 Best Costumes NOT In The Game

2. Comic Iron Spider

Spider Man Ps4

The Infinity War Iron Spider is great and all, but what we want to see is the real Iron Spider.

When you consider that this is possibly one of Spider-Man's most iconic suits of all time, it's pretty weird that its not already in the game. This makes it a pretty obvious inclusion as a DLC costume, but obvious isn't always a bad thing.

This is the suit that Tony Stark designs for Spider-Man during the events of Civil War, although he eventually gets rid of it after changing sides. Even if it only had a brief appearance, it still made a big impact on Spider-Man and is a big part of his history.

One of the most iconic aspects of this suit is the spider legs that sprout out of the back. This suit is really a no-brainer when you consider that Spider-Man PS4 has already designed the legs for the existing Infinity War costume, so you could very easily include those legs for this suit.

Alternatively, the Iron Spider suit also has several cannons and long range abilities which could make for some unique suit powers.

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