Star Wars Battlefront 2: 8 New Features We Can't Wait To Try
3. New Modes
Iconic they may be, but reliving the battles of Hoth and Endor time and again in the original Battlefront grew old. Fast. The maps, as static as they were, weren't to blame; DICE just didn't provide enough variety in the way each could be experienced. Unless you were one of the few that reluctantly emptied your wallet for Battlefront's Season Pass, Star Wars Battlefront: Walker Assault Edition is the only version of the game you ever experienced.
It's a chief criticism of the original that contributed to the hemorrhaging of Battlefront's player base early on, but it's okay, because EA and DICE listened to your feedback - Battlefront 2 will ship with multiple game modes, none of which make any reference to AT-ATs.
With each billed to be wildly different from the last, Blast, Strike, and Arcade are primed to accommodate players from all walks of the shmup life, encompassing close quarters combat, large-scale, objective-based play and split-screen (console only, mind), player vs. enemy combat respectively.
Then there's Starfighter Assault, but that's a different kettle of fish...