Star Wars Battlefront 2 Campaign: 9 Bold Story Predictions

7. The Entirety Of The Force Awakens Will Be Playable

Star Wars Battlefront 2 Iden Versio

Although EA has insisted that Battlefront 2 will take players right from the end of the original trilogy up until the start of The Force Awakens, it's probably going to be more likely that the entirety of the latest Star Wars film will be playable in the new game.

The biggest giveaway has been the fact that the assault on Starkiller Base from the end of the movie has been heavily teased in the preview materials the publisher has released so far. Fans have seen stills of Poe Dameron's X-Wing flying through the location, and it's been revealed that Kylo Ren is playable in the main campaign too, further lending credence to the idea.

It stands to reason then, that the story of Battlefront 2 will extend beyond the start of the latest movie and could instead act as the foundation of its climax. If Iden Versio was to switch sides, joining the assault on Starkiller Base would offer the character the perfect redemption.


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