The Elder Scrolls VI: 10 Huge Rumours You Need To Know

6. The First Direct Sequel

Would you throw your arms up in disgust if the new game was set in a previous location? How about specifically in Skyrim?

So far with each successful instalment Bethesda has padded out the world of Tamriel by focussing on a new area, but as you'll know if you've played it Skyrim's size is staggering, and you could easily fit two or three more adventures in there before it got old.

Not that the world should stay exactly the same, far from it. Instead, depending on something like the Imperial vs. Stormcloak and which faction winning was considered 'canon' going forward, this could drastically effect the layout and visuals of the world itself.

At some point Bethesda are going to have to double-back and revisit one of their established areas, and with that as a solid foundation to build upon it could help with the general level of polish in the first place, as they're building on what's already complete.

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