The Elder Scrolls VI: 10 Huge Rumours You Need To Know

5. New Playable Races

Hopefully if you're a proud nerd of the geekiest order you've checked out or at least heard of The Banner Saga; a fantastic little turn-based RPG from ex-Bioware staffed company Stoic.

In that, you fight a seemingly unstoppable force called The Dredge, and although they're portrayed as being a faceless Orc-like horde of pure evil, a mid-game revelation actually shines a completely new light on the goings-on within that world.

Forgoing spoilers - you really should play it yourself - let's just say the element of diving into an enemy's mindset and giving purpose to their placement within a given universe is something that's worked everywhere from Banner Saga to Halo 2.

With Skyrim having a small amount of races left unplayable that are alluded to having a hierarchy and some semblance of order (such as the Falmer), or those that are hugely influential (like the Aldmer or mysterious Maormer), there's huge scope to take control and see the world unfold from behind their eyes.

Sega's spectacular Yakuza series does this perfectly, jumping between characters on all sides of society, and it's a plot device that would flesh out the world of TES immeasurably.

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