The Elder Scrolls VI: 10 Huge Rumours You Need To Know

4. The Release Date

As mentioned in the intro the current release date theorised to come true is actually next year, simply down to how much time the studio has given themselves between releases in the past.

However, coding for the last generation and this one are two vastly different premises. The PS3 in particular was notorious for being incredibly difficult to work with, whereas the PS4 and Xbox One architecture are very similar, and tend to relate more to that of PC tech.

This could help speed things up and lead to a demo at this year's E3, or at least an early tech demo showing what's been created so far. With many studios showing things off from a very early stage - like Criterion's next all-vehicle game at last year's E3 - there's every possibility both some footage and a release date is sketched out in the next few months.

Here's hoping.

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