The Elder Scrolls VI: 10 Huge Rumours You Need To Know

3. No Multiplayer

There seem to be two kinds of gamer in this world; those who love a good bit of multiplayer wherever it crops up, and those who lament the idea that anything other than an otherwise single-player has had an online component crowbarred in for the sake of it.

Now that is a debate for another day - the whole 'how much longevity does multiplayer add?' angle - but let's say for arguments sake that multiplayer or coop would be damaging to the key Elder Scrolls experience.

ES Online suffered greatly from trying to make a 'You're the world's saviour'-story apply to hundreds of people at once, and that's without going into the complaints about how taking anything online brings with it endless problems to do with lag, A.I. freaking out and the narrative itself being taken less seriously.

Skyrim soared as an immersive single player experience, and as is evident by how many people took one look at ES Online and scrunched up their noses, it should stay that way.

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