Why Dragon Age Is Secretly Better Than Mass Effect

Sometimes Bigger Really Is Better

Dragon Age: Inquisition

The Mass Effect trilogy tells an epic sci-fi adventure fronted by a cast of memorable and beloved characters. By spanning one spectacular and hard-hitting story over the course of one continuous trilogy where your choices carry over, the experience is an immensely intimate one.

In comparison to Dragon Age, though, Mass Effect is simply too contained to compete with the sheer scale offered by BioWare’s other RPG franchise.

Although Dragon Age doesn’t allow players the opportunity to establish the same connection with their trio of protagonists to the same extent as they could with Commander Shepard, the amount of world-building and intrigue that’s formed as a result is more than worth the trade-off.

From the depth of its combat system to the incredibly detailed lore that each entry builds upon, not being tied to one character’s story opens the lands of Thedas to endless possibilities helmed by their own heroes.

With BioWare announcing new instalments in both Mass Effect and Dragon Age, we have another opportunity to dive back into Thedas for what is surely set to be another epic fantasy adventure.

Meanwhile we're similarly left waiting to see how - we assume - Shepard’s story will continue. Hopefully the next Mass Effect will broaden the series’ horizons a little more this time around.

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Glasgow-based cinephile who earned a Masters degree in film studies to spend their time writing about cinema, video games, and horror.