5. Continuous Entrances
Ever since consoles were able to recreate entire arenas, we as a community have enjoyed watching how the game re-creates a superstars entrance as accurately as possible. The reason for this I believe is because it is practically the most iconic and personal element of a superstar's character and can be filled with pyro, lighting and cool actions. For the most part entrances have been recreated to a high degree as of late, and kudos to that, but what has been missing is the anticipation of a superstars entrance and the pop it garners. For years we have had to watch a loading screen, watch an entrance and sit through another loading screen before your character or opponent appears. What makes an entrance even better on TV is when a huge superstars music hits right after his opponent has entered and hearing the crowd roar. This is missing at present and, by simply removing the middle loading screens and have it all load up beforehand, we would have a continuous entrance period filled with boos, cheers and blending seamlessly into gameplay. We would also gain the feeling that this is not just a game going through the methodical steps of setting up the match, but instead, the absolute beginning of the contest. I recall only recently watching a match involving Randy Orton. His opponent (I forget who) had made his entrance and was standing about in the ring. His music was still playing as the camera panned out towards the top of the arena as Ortons music hit. We got to see the crowd jump to their feet, the entrance area light up and the arena lighting change. None of this would occur at present in game and would seriously benefit the experience as a whole. Click below for the next addition...