Xbox 720: 10 Rumours We Hope Are True

9. Built-In Kinect

Microsoft€™s peripheral device Kinect was unprecedentedly successful. So much so that the idea that it€™ll die out with the 360 is probably about as wacky a notion can get short of posing that with the new console, Xbox 720 pixies will clean your room while you play video games (which, by the way, would be awesome). Pixies aside, many reports indicate that our new Xbox 720 will come with fully integrated Kinect capability as standard. So if, like me, you€™ve been avoiding the hardware for lack of disposable funds, you€™re about to have your cake and eat it. I really do hope this comes to fruition. As a piece of peripheral hardware, the Kinect really is a revolutionary idea and although it€™s got a long road to travel before it's essential kit for the hardcore gamer, I still feel that the potential applications are astonishing. Let€™s hope that this rumour is true, and that it also opens on to the idea that Microsoft will look to improve and integrate the Kinect more fully in the coming generation of games and software.
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Stuart believes that the pen is mightier than the sword, but still he insists on using a keyboard.