1. Jon Gomm - Improvised Percussive Fingerstyle
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MAFZmgOC9vw Like some sort of Guitar Hero-style sequence where you're
just making it through, only for the game to throw an entire screenful of frets your way and cause you to rage-quit in the most childlike of ways, we arrive at the omniversal talents of one Jon Gomm. We actually had the pleasure of
interviewing Mr. Gomm a couple days before the release of his latest work 'Secrets That Nobody Keeps', yet since that album helped him capitalise on some amazing viral success, he's been featured on albums of the year lists worldwide, as well as showcasing his frankly insane talent in the above video. Good luck with this one, as although Gomm does a good job of explaining his techniques, they're so unorthodox by pretty much every other standard of playing, that even if you can get the percussive body-tapping going alongside some fingerstyle with your left hand, you've already beaten me and probably thousands of others. This is the only video where I'd recommend watching the entire thing, as although the really juicy stuff starts around the 2:55 mark, Gomm's style of underhand fretting is something you'll have to get used to first before applying the guitar-body drumbeats to everything else. If that sounds mental, it is, but as you'll come to love with Jon Gomm's music, there's an educated madness to his playing that really comes to life the more you study and apply his techniques. So any other favourite players from around the internet you'd like to share? How did you fare learning the entries present on this list? Let us know in the comments!