10 Lost Albums From Famous Rock Musicians

3. The Original Axis: Bold As Love - The Jimi Hendrix Experience

Jimi Hendrix; great guitarist, terrible memory.

Hendrix and his band, the Experience, had released their first album, Are You Experienced?, in May 1967 and were nearing completion on their second LP just seven months later.

Axis: Bold as Love would eventually release to a great deal of fanfare, as critics praised Hendrix for branching out into brave new musical directions. Little did they know that the album was almost lost forever, thanks to its star's scatterbrain.

Disaster struck when Hendrix left the original master recordings of Axis' first side in the back of a London taxi. As anyone who has ever left their phone in a cab will know, that thing was gone forever.

In a hurried frenzy, Hendrix, his manager Chas Chandler, and studio engineer Eddie Kramer remixed most of the tracks in a single night. This included having to smooth out an old recording of If Six Was Nine using an iron, because this was the 60s, remember.

Jimi was unhappy with the finished result, which was a brazen thing to say considering this whole mess was his fault in the first place. The public didn't seem to care though, thank Christ.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.