10 Mistakes In Songs So Good They Kept Them In

7. George Ezra's "Shotgun" Has A BURP On It!

They say manners cost nothing, but clearly nobody has told George Ezra. The singer-songwriter has become one of Britain’s most successful exports in recent times, and a lot of that is down to the success of infectious hit single Shotgun.

With its simple beat and blindingly bright melody, it was always destined to get toes tapping and heads bobbing, and effortlessly embodies a laidback, summery vibe. But maybe George had one too many Pimm’s and lemonade before he got in the old recording booth, because just as he goes into the second verse, he lets out an almighty belch (at about a minute in).

Credit to the producer, it’s mixed well, and passes you by pretty easily if you’re not listening out for it, but it’s there and it’s unmistakable. The lad from Bristol might have built a solid career for himself off the back of a voice that sounds like liquid gold, but it would appear that he has an altogether gassier side too.

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