10 Perfect Rap Rock Albums With No Bad Songs

7. Who Are The Girls? - Nova Twins (2020)

The girls from Nova Twins are pumping a refreshing new energy into the realm of rap rock. When rap rock pioneer, Tom Morello, gives a band the thumbs up, you know they're good.

Leaning heavily on the metal side of things, these two have found a way to lace elements of hip hop and rock into a sound that draws from the past, but is rooted in the present. Georgia South, smashes out gut busting bass lines, while Amy Love, rips up and down the fretboard, and screams into a mic. The opening track, might not contain the most original lyrics, coming off like a 21st Century take on Thin Lizzy's, Boys Are Back In Town - but, musically it's an explosion of fresh blood. As the album progresses, you become more and more assured that these two are taking grime infused metal, to new levels of innovation.

By the third track, Taxi, you're certain the duo are well schooled in the ways of punk rock. The bass lines are FAT, and drive with all the ferocity of hardcore bands of the '80s. There's also a sense they've listened to a Prodigy record or two. The album continues to impress the longer you listen - this is electronic punk, meets grime metal, and it's damn fine stuff.

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Before engrossing myself in the written word, I spent several years in the TV and film industry. During this time I became proficient at picking things up, moving things and putting things down again.