12 Things You Should Be Listening To Right Now!

8. Waxahatchee

lo-fi/folk/indiewaxahatchee new musicKatie Crutchfield takes her musical nom de plume from out-of-the-way Waxahatchee Creek in the Deep South; where her parents have a holiday home, more akin to a horror film cabin, in which she recorded her debut album. A debut album that was all lo-fi folk and awkward indie break up ballads dealing with Crutchfield€™s new found solitude. Currently sporting a new album, and soon to be touring Europe in support of Tegan and Sara, Crutchfield€™s simple but stunning songs are likely to get much further afield than a no frill attached holiday home this time around. Her music has the hints of fuzz and lo-fi at moments but then audible with the influence that country and folk music as had on her €“ not to mention her soft and tender vocals atop her bold but basic backing. http://youtu.be/IN5lc3vFWyA
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Life's last protagonist. Wannabe writer. Mediocre Musician. Over-Thinker. Medicine Cabinet. @morganrabbits