Doctor Who: 'An Unearthly Sound' - 11 Best Music Compositions

6. The Original Cyber-Voice First Cybermen It's that man again. This time, though, Mr Hodgson can take a second slice of the cake for being the man who gave the original Cybermen that eerie sing-song voice which no doubt left an impression in all who heard it. William Hartnell may have been on his way out in 'The Tenth Planet', but these metallic bad boys were just getting started. All it took was for the dulcet tones of voice actors Roy Skelton & Peter Hawkins to be electronically manipulated, and the rest was, as they say, history. Some might add, though, that it only achieved full effect following Hartnell's regeneration into Patrick Troughton in time for ' The Tomb Of The Cybermen'. In all likelihood anyone who's seen it will remember that 'you shall become like uzz' moment, and is currently shuddering just a little as they try desperately to scrub it from their brain. It's one of the sadly few surviving complete Second Doctor serials, more's the pity, but worth a watch. The musical score's mostly made up of stock pieces (as was 'The Tenth Planet') but it's still capable of delivering genuine chills. Consider the moment the Cybermen awake from the tombs of Telos. Up there with anything classic horror scores can deliver, I'm sure you'll agree, and a triumph of the marriage of sound & vision which at times defines 'Who' in all its incarnations. Pleasingly, compilations of the best sound selections from both stories are available, if they catch your ear.

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Journalist, musician, sports fan, citizen of the universe and a gentleman to boot!