Doctor Who: 'An Unearthly Sound' - 11 Best Music Compositions

5. The Daleks

Daleks 1st Notable not only for yet another slice of Hodgson magic, using similar techniques to those he would later apply to the Cybermen to bring raspy life to the voices of Peter Hawkins & David Graham, but Tristram Cary's evocative incidental music. Has anyone captured the sound of Skaro better? I think not. For me it's the nearest Who came to aping Fritz Lang's 'Metropolis'. Something of the spirit of Gottfried Huppertz's 1927 sc0re pervades throughout, and surely the fact we see the Daleks basically taking the roles of the industrial upper class to the extreme in their war against the Thals, who could be read as the story's answer to the underground- based workers, the Daleks hiding inside their city while the Thals dwell on its fringes. The autocracy of the tinpot dictators is easily matched by Cary, who grants them a soundtrack worthy of the pomp & circumstance of the debut appearance by what would become an iconic enemy, popping up every now & again just to get under the Doctor's skin. Cary clearly left some detailed notes behind too, as his one-off successor for ' The Dalek Invasion Of Earth, Francis Chagrin, appears to stick closely to the cod-Metropolis blueprint, and when Tristram makes his return in time for ' The Power Of The Daleks' alongside the Second Doctor he's lost none of that liking for militarism.
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Journalist, musician, sports fan, citizen of the universe and a gentleman to boot!