Doctor Who: 'An Unearthly Sound' - 11 Best Music Compositions

4. Invasion Of The Dinosaurs

Invasion Of The Dinosaurs Somewhere inside all of us there's an action man or woman, which goes some way to explain the enduring appeal of the disaster-movie score. And the closest ' classic Who' ever got to that is most likely Dudley Simpson's beast of a musical accompaniment to ' Invasion Of The Dinosaurs'. Jon Pertwee barely puts a frilly shirt-sleeve out of place as he bids to stop Operation Golden Age, Simpson quite literally matching him quite literally note for note. Watch again in full and be thrilled by UNIT's battle with a rampaging Stegosaurus, which appears to anticipate John Williams's ' Jurassic Park' masterwork in a rather space-age manner by a year. And if the mental image of the great Spielbergian composer in sartorial thrall to the Third Doctor doesn't get you, the director-extrordinaire is indeed an American Whovian and could well have sat the music man down to discuss its finer points at some time before 1993. All of which should make a second, third viewing of both compulsory, if not mandatory.
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Journalist, musician, sports fan, citizen of the universe and a gentleman to boot!