Doctor Who: 'An Unearthly Sound' - 11 Best Music Compositions

3. The Talons Of Weng-Chiang

Talons1 The Doctor goes all Sherlock Holmes to investigate Magnus Greel's schemes in Victorian London, and things get a little Hitchcockian. Dudders, though, seems to relish his Bernard Herrmann- ish cameo ( he's seen as the conductor of the Palace Theatre music hall, and gets a special fee for his troubles as a paid-up member of the Musicians Union). Of course, Herrmann pops up in a similar manner in ' The Man Who Knew Too Much' around twenty years before ' Weng-Chiang', conducting an airing of Arthur Benjamin's 'Storm Clouds Cantata'. Sadly no record survives of exactly which specific piece Mr Simpson guides his merry orchestra through in his one screen appearance in a universe he did so much for musically, but its a great ( and all too rare) visual document of a classic ' Who' composer at work, which surely justifies its inclusion here.
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