10 Ways To Save Money As A Student In America
6. Rich Kid School Dumpster Diving
Every year, students vacate their dorm rooms at posh universities, and whether they’re moving somewhere else on campus or graduating, or perhaps just moving on aesthetically, the privileged leave behind furnishings paid for by mom and dad, without looking back.
The average college student often chooses dorm room necessities based on affordability or usefulness, and by all means these freebies can be very helpful when found and reused. However, skilled dumpster divers can take things to the next level by making a trip to a nearby university with a reputation for having a wealthy student body, perhaps by truck or van.
The possibilities of the haul span beyond the utile: even if a garbage picker finds things he doesn’t want for his own room, he can sell them to someone else. It’s amazing what the young and well off will chuck away without the incentive to do otherwise.