12 Style Hacks That Will Change Your Life

8. Use A Paper Clip To Hide Your Bra Straps In A Racer Top


Strapless bra? Check, T-shirt bra? Check, push up bra? Check, racer back bra? Nope, and of course it's a hot day and you want to wear a racer back vest with no jacket.

There's the option of wearing a strapless bra, but that means you'll be forever pulling it up whenever you move, or there's the option of your T-shirt bra but your straps will be out, and that isn't a good look for anybody now is it?

Well instead of rushing out to buy a new bra or having to melt in a jacket why not try a paper clip and a T-shirt bra. Simply put your bra on as normal and ask someone to bring the straps together on the centre of your back and hold them in placer with a paper clip. If you're conscious of how it feels use two paper clips and the straps won't budge.

Make sure you ask someone to take the paper clips off before you take your bra off though or you could end up in a tangle.

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Writer, dog lover, average tea maker.