12 Surprising Things That Define All Newcastle United Fans
8. Your Favourite Movie Is Black Rain
Now, Black Rain is a great film: it's Andy Garcia at his finest before he got all soft and hit the puddings in a big way, and it's one of those classic late '80s culture clash cop flicks with lots of angry foreign people proving the American way is better (borderline racism in other words). But, nobody in the entire world has ever said it was their favourite film - not even Andy Garcia or Michael Douglas, and they were in it. And whoever said The China Syndrome was their favourite has great taste, but clearly does not speak for the majority of their fellow Newcastle fans. At least it wasn't bloody Purely Belta though.
7. You Love A Good Jigsaw
"No, sorry Barry, I can't go to the pub tonight, I've got a wicked 3000 piecer of Anglesey Abbey on the go and I've almost found all the edges."