6 More Films Michael Owen Should Probably Watch

1. The Six Million Dollar Man

Though better known for his TV shows and failed attempts to make a full big screen adaptation - Jim Carry was attached to a comedy version of it in 2006 for a while - Steve Austin did appear in three made-for-TV movies before Lee Majors retired as the super-human. Majors was a cyborg, completely rebuilt after a plane crash, with bionic elements that made him so strong and so enhanced overall that he basically became an invincible super-spy. Cost: $6million. Michael Owen meanwhile was a crock for Newcastle, who scored just 26 times for Newcastle - each goal costing over a million pounds - who spent most of his time in the treatment room, or wandering round on a pitch looking mostly disinterested. Cost: £16m in fees, plus £27m in wages. Someone at Newcastle got royally screwed. Any more movie suggestions for Michael Owen? Share yours in the comments thread below.

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