Newcastle United's Greatest Foreign XI

8. Centre Back: Philippe Albert (Belgium)

There€™s one reason for putting Albert on this list, and every Toon fan instantly knows what it is. With a smile, allow yourself to remember one of the greatest single moments St. James' Park has ever witnessed: that chip against Man United. Enough said. That chip should buy Albert the freedom of the city of Newcastle. That chip has converted a journeyman defender into a celebrity, at least in Newcastle: €œeveryone knows his name€, after all. But aside from that one, glorious moment €“ a moment that condenses everything magical about football into one single goal €“ he was also a pretty decent part of the €˜Entertainers€™ side, bombing forward at every opportunity, whether the team, the fans, or Keegan wanted him to or not. But partnered alongside Colo, he€™d be kept right... Colo€™s had to mop up after worse.

Tom Astley hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.